Saturday, July 14, 2012

Yough Tailrace Float

Dave and I hit the Yough Saturday morning.  With the warmer temps and my schedule (aka: honeydew list #9: Nursery) we just floated the top section.  Its only maybe 1.25 miles from put-in to take-out, but we took our time and worked the many runs on the way down. 

An angler standing in the early Yough mist

It was raining early right around 9 AM and I thought the BWOs would pour off the water, but to our surprise we didn't see one little BWO.  We did see a decent amount of cahills - both yellow and orange coming off around 10-11 AM, but not one fish took that size 12/14 bug.  We even saw a couple yellow drakes that were 2XL, but the fish didn't seem to care. 

When this fog lifted, there were about 10 fisherman below the bridges!
What the trout did like though was the venerable caddis.  When the sun came out, so did the splashy tell tale rises in the runs.  This is such a more welcome site to see then when they are in impossible killer whale mode cruising and taking size 20 something micro emergers. I loathe those fish. 

We had a good 5 hours on the river and caught a good amount. I lost a 20" palomino due to dry rotted tippet that apparently had the breaking strength of a piece of hair. Sickening. There is enough other things that can go wrong when you hook a pig, but bad line shouldn't be one of them.

Typical Yough bow

When we got to our take out, there were plenty of fish still rising. This is always a problem and makes it damn hard to leave. If I had my choice, I would rather have daylight force me off the river. Leaving at mid day, I basically had to turn away and just bee line from the river and not look back. All it takes is one cast and I would have been stuck there probably til dark.

Dave working a run behind his boat

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