Friday, January 31, 2014

Yellow Creek winter outing

Weekend getaway at Bedford Springs resort and I made it out to Yellow. Couldn't believe how much of this limestone stream was frozen over, but was able to coax a couple little brown trout to eat a nymph and kick off the 2014 season.   Peaceful little winter fishing outing

New Year's Eve Western PA Grouse hunt

Went up to the mountains after a fresh snow for a New Year's Eve grouse hunt.   We had three guys and three dogs - a German Shorthair pointer and two labs.  We worked for about 3 hours around this ridge and put about 8 birds up and took 2.  Not bad stats in the world of grouse.  I shot one and which was the first in a couple years.  Hopefully it wont be that long again because we had an absolute blast.
Working the thickets


Cooper retrieving a grouse I (actually) shot

Friday, January 3, 2014

Winter Ducks

This was most likely going to be the last hunt before Cooper's minor  eye 'surgery' and I wanted to get him out (and get me out) of the house.  Plus there was a storm rolling in and I had a good setup for an evening hunt.  I had a feeling.

Winter Storm Hercules was coming in hot and as people panicked to get home, we went duck hunting.  It turned out to be the best hunt of the year, as ducks were piling into the decoys as soon as we setup.  The first duck was memorable - I shot him on my 3rd shot and he landed a football field away.  He ended up literally crawling onto the ice and leaving us with no option to get him.  30 minutes later and a half inch of snow on him, he rose from the dead and start waddling to the far side of the lake.  Just goes to show you how tough these birds are. 

Other side of the frozen lake. Just looks cold

We circled the 1 mile lake and then I sent Cooper in on a search.  Ten minutes later, he came back with the duck that couldn't fly.  He's just an amazing retriever and this was one of his finest.

Fine retrieve

 We hunted another hour and about 30 ducks came in sets of 2-5.  It was perfect hunting and ended up with a limit of mallards. 

The drive home was insanely treacherous, but we made it back and ended the season on a high note.