Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pheasant Hunting with the Mud Lab

I took Cooper out for a couple hours to get him some exercise and some field work.  Even though he knows life has changed with the twins, he also knows the air is colder and its bird season.  He gives me those 'take me hunting' eyes all the time, so I am happy to help when I can. 
He's 5 years old now, so he really has hit his stride and we just work together in an unspoken manner.  He put up this first bird on the top of the field and made a nice long distance retrieve.  

It was unseasonably warm out and after the first bird, Cooper was pretty overheated.  Leave it to him to find the only mud pit on the property.  He wallowed around like a warthog and I could only laugh.

Cooper as a chocolate lab!

Further up the tree line, Cooper got birdy again and pointed a rooster which he flushed within range of the Benelli.  He finished up with another retrieve right at dusk before the long walk back to the truck and a cold beet. It was another great little guys outing.

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